FAQ: Students

What does my family need to do?
  • Your family will help you install the items in your kit and complete the homework you receive.
  • They can also remind you to return your completed Take-Home Workbook.
May I get another kit?
  • Sorry, one one kit is available for each student.
Who pays for the program?
  • The program is sponsored by your utility or water provider.
  • AM Conservation implements the program on behalf of your utility or water provider.
  • The program is provided at no cost to your family, your school, or the school district.
What is AM Conservation?
  • AM Conservation is a company that develops award-winning educational programs for utility partners nationwide.
  • The programs are designed to teach students easy ways to use energy and water more efficiently in their homes.
  • Over the last 20 years, hundreds of thousands of families from across the country have participated in the GetWise portfolio of programs, yielding tremendous energy and water savings.
  • Program content supports state educational standards, so eligible schools can provide this fun-filled enrichment program while meeting educational benchmarks.
Why is my school participating in the program?
  • Your teacher has elected to participate in the program.
  • The program will help you learn to be energy and water wise!
  • This can help you and your family know how and when to use energy and water better, so you can begin to save.
How does the program work?
  • The program was developed by AM Conservation to make learning about energy fun.
  • You will learn about:
  1. Renewable and nonrenewable resources.
  2. The various forms of energy and water.
  3. How your habits affect the electricity and water that gets delivered.
  4. How to conserve at home.
Why should my family participate in the program?
  • When your family uses energy and water wisely at home, you save resources and lessen your impact on the environment.
  • Also, your family can save money on their utility bill by installing the items from the kit.
What do I do if an LED bulb breaks?
  • Recycling your LED bulbs is one way to dispose of them.
  • Call your local government or waste management company to learn the recycling policy in your area.
How long does the program take to implement?
  • The program is designed to incorporate into your existing curriculum, so your timeline will vary.
  • You can spend as little as one class/subject session and as much as a month or longer; it's up to you.
What materials do I return?
  • Students' completed surveys as well as the Teacher Program Evaluation, which can be found in your Teacher Materials Folder.
  • Thank-you notes from students and parents, and Program-endorsement letters are also appreciated.
  • A self-addressed postage-paid Tyvek envelope has been provided in the Teacher Materials Folder for you to return these items.
What are the participation requirements?
  • Participation requirements are minimal.
  • All we ask for your participation in the program is that your students complete a short student survey.
  • The student survey contains a pre-program and post-program quiz.
  • Survey responses help gauge the knowledge gained by each student during the program.
  • If your students take a pledge to be energy efficient and return their student survey forms, each student will receive a certificate of achievement!
  • A self-addressed postage-paid return envelope is provided in your Teacher Materials folder, so that you may return your students' completed surveys.
What do I do if an LED bulb breaks?
  • Recycling your LED bulbs is one way to dispose of them.
  • Call your local government or waste management company to learn the recycling policy in your area.