Resource Efficiency Has a New Classroom

Teachers Enroll Now!

Be an Efficiency Hero

Discover ways to use resources more efficiently with GetWise's education program.

As part of this program students will:

  • Learn about the exciting world of resource efficiency and ways to save energy, water, and money.
  • Receive an efficiency kit full of energy and water-saving products to use at home, a take-home workbook with engaging activities, and a program guide used for interactive learning.
Efficiency Tips

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Kit Items

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State Academic Standards

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Teacher Materials
Complete The Survey
Parents Enroll


Access classroom activities, read FAQ, explore online educational resources, and learn how to install kit items!

Educational Resources

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Additional Activities

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State Standards

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Check out Cool Links, learn how to install kit items, read FAQ, and get savings tips!

Cool Links

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Kit Items

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Efficiency Tips

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Engage with your child, read FAQ, learn how to install kit items, and get savings tips for every part of your home!

Efficiency Programs

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Kit Items

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Efficiency Tips

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Saving Energy and Water is Fun and Easy with your Efficiency Kit